
As research continues to advance our understanding of nutrition it is becoming clear that the subject is by no means a B&W science. Indeed, recent research is replete with updates and changes to previous "established" nutrition dogma. As a result, both the consumer and the professional are continually challenged to make informed and healthy decisions.

In light of this predicament, Nutritioned will make every effort to avoid concluding posts with "more research is needed" or "results are inconclusive". Instead the content will focus on more immediately interesting topics such as current urban beliefs, trends in the marketplace, and various random thoughts; all with the goal of providing simple advice and guidelines for the average person seeking to adopt a reasoned approach to their dietary habits.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

You have just been Nutritioned!

For a while now I have been wondering how to get more "into" nutrition. I mean, I love my field, but I have yet to find a way to fully integrate myself into it such as keeping up to date on trends (ie: nonsense garbage being marketed to the masses), latest research, and interesting facets of the field. So, on my morning jaunt to work this morning I figured, "Sonny, you need to combine your love of computers/tech with your love of good food and healthy living." Voila, time to start a blog... and see where this leads. Welcome to Nutritioned!

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